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Good Essential Oils To Use For Boils

Boils can be quite a nuisance. Large and persistent ones need to be addressed by a doctor, but more minor ones can often be treated at home. Some people use essential oils (EO) to treat their boils. If you are thinking of going this route, you may want to look for an EO blend made specifically for the treatment of boils. Or, if you can't find such a product, you could blend the oils yourself. Here are some of the key essential oils you're likely to find in such a blend, whether pre-made or homemade.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is used far and wide for skin conditions perpetuated by bacteria. It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Boils are basically an infection, so using tea tree oil to treat them is quite effective. You'll often see it as the main ingredient in EO blends marketed for use on boils, and it should be a key ingredient if you choose to make such a blend yourself.

Tea tree oil does not actually come from tea at all. It comes from an Australian tree known as a tea tree. Sometimes you will see it sold as melaleuca oil. 

Castor Oil

Castor oil used to be a really common home remedy, but you do not see it as often anymore. It's still found in a lot of EO blends for boils, though! Castor oil is primarily known for its ability to reduce inflammation. Since boils do cause inflammation, bringing that inflammation down with castor oil can be really helpful. After applying the castor oil or an EO blend containing it, you should notice that the boil is less red, swollen, and sore. Getting some of the inflammation out of the way can help the body better clear the infection that's the root cause of the boil.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is used in a lot of traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It's known for both its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, especially when used topically. As such, it is a good EO to use on boils. Neem oil is very strong and can irritate the skin if used full-strength, so it is almost always blended with other oils before use.

If you are struggling with boils, using EOs can be a good way to address them. Look for a blend that contains the above oils, or consider making your own blend at home.

For more information on essential oils to use for boils, contact a company like Boils No More
